2020年8月23日10时27分,我国在酒泉卫星发射中心用长征二号丁运载火箭,成功将高分九号05星送入预定轨道,发射获得圆满成功。此次任务还搭载发射了多功能试验卫星、天拓五号卫星。 China successfully launched a new Earth observation satellite, Gaofen-9 05, from the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center in northwest China at 10:27 a.m. on Sunday (Beijing Time), according to the China National Space Administration (CNSA). The satellite, sent into orbit by a Long March-2D carrier rocket, is an optical remote-sensing satellite with a resolution up to the sub-meter level. A high resolution Earth observation satellite Gaofen-9 05 goes into planned orbit via a Long March-2D carrier rocket from the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center in northwest China. /CCTV 高分九号05星是一颗光学遥感卫星,地面像元分辨率最高可达亚米级,主要用于国土普查、城市规划、土地确权、路网设计、农作物估产和防灾减灾等领域,可为“一带一路”建设等提供信息保障。 The satellite will be mainly used for land surveying, city planning, road network design, crop yield estimation and disaster prevention and mitigation, as well as providing information for the construction of the Belt and Road. 搭载发射的多功能试验卫星由军事科学院负责研制,将在轨对通信、导航、遥感等新技术进行试验验证;天拓五号卫星由国防科技大学负责研制,将在轨对船舶、航空器、浮标及物联网等信息采集新技术进行试验验证。 Other payloads carried on the rocket include a multi-functional experimental satellite and Tiantuo-5, a spacecraft developed by the National University of Defense Technology. The experimental satellite will have its communication to navigation technology being further tested, while Tiantuo-5 will be used to verify in-orbit information collection capabilities from ships, spacecraft and Internet of Things. 这次任务是长征系列运载火箭的第343次飞行。 The Sunday mission marks the 343rd flight of the Long March rocket family. 推荐阅读:未来你所观看的科普视频,可能来自这颗卫星...... 快舟运载火箭即将发射“行云•武汉号”卫星 中国首颗民营5G卫星预计本月发射